According to different studies in Europe and the US, anywhere between 23% to 60% of startups fail due to problems with the team. I could find some data about startups in the US and Europe but nothing comparable to India. And that got me thinking.
I believe the first step towards solving a problem is to acknowledge it. To acknowledge one has to “know” and for knowing we need data. This is an attempt to collect some relevant data from startup founders in the context of the Indian startup ecosystem.
The idea is still evolving – I put a simple google form and initially just shared it within the different WhatsApp groups. On crossing 25 responses I thought – can we really collect some meaningful data from a few hundred or thousand startups across India? I believe it is worth taking the effort. Also, my own selfish motive is to be able to connect with that many smart entrepreneurs and share our mutual learnings.
If you are a startup founder please take out 3-5 minutes and fill this up. The results will be published online and shared with all the participants. Thanks a lot for your participation!
More importantly, please do share it with other founders in your network. More the merrier đ
Here is the link to Google Form –